
Good for a Laugh

I’m driving to work yesterday and about five blocks from my house my car starts making this crazy noise. So crazy that I’m worried it could blow up any second. At first I thought it was my phone vibrating, but I realize that it is much louder than that. I make a u-turn, dash inside the house, and bring my hubby to check out the situation.

“That’s weird, Honey,” I say. “You can only hear it when you’re inside the car.”

He slides into the driver’s seat to take a listen.

We are both completely perplexed.

Then we realize that it’s coming from the back of the car…not the engine.

I pop the trunk with a sigh, relieved that we’re probably not looking at another major car repair, yet still slightly worried because I really have no idea what in the world could be in my trunk making that noise.

Ta Da… It was only this:
Our super duper Senco Power Plus 6-1 Jumpstart System!

Somehow I’d managed to turn the corner in just the right way to flip the “on” switch and the crazy vibrating noise was just the air compressor that inflates your tires-- not a bomb.  We laughed.  I always knew it would be good for something.


Ashley said...

That is funny!!! :)

Cher said...

Good thing it wasn't something serious!